Hey ! We are two volunteers, partidipants in program European Solidarity Corps, from Latvia and France, we’ll be in La Jarilla for seven months. Our first month is over now and we have some first impressions to share with you. Our main tasks are to work in the garden like taking care of the plants, collecting the seeds, pick up vegetables when they are ready, watering the garden and also trees. We also started to learn about Holistic managment and Permaculture. We went to a Permaculure meeting in Montanchez, each people presented their personal projects and shared their ideas, which was really fascinating.
Then, we went to an Ecofestival in Salvaterra Do Extremo in Portugal. There, we enjoyed other kind of musics and traditional dances (from Extremadura and Africa for example). The group we liked the most was « Terra Livre » because the rythm was catchy and the lyrics really strong. In fact, they talk about global things like climate change and permaculture. Moreover, we saw different ways how to recycle materials as you can see on this picture. For us, it was a great experience.
In our free time, we like to discover new places. Most of the time, we use hitchhiking to get from one place to another. For the moment, we went to La Cumbre, Trujillo and Caceres. What we loved the most was the architecture of old centers of those cities. We hope more trips will come soon !